International Stammering Awareness Day 2021
To mark International Stammering Awareness Day, which took place on 22 October 2021, Nick Fischer shares his thoughts and experiences on life as a person who stammers. Nick is a member of the IP Ability committee and the piece was originally published on the IP Inclusive website.
Nick Fischer features on the StutterTalk podcast
One of the network’s co-founders, Nick Fischer, featured as a guest on the StutterTalk podcast a few weeks ago. The episode is entitled “Is it healthy to work on your stammering all of the time?”, and involved a discussion of whether “hard work” is always a positive thing in speech work, along with a bit about STAMMA Legal, and how the network came about.
STAMMA Legal contributes to new guidance on reasonable adjustments
On 24 September 2021, the Lawyers with Disabilities Division of the Law Society published a document entitled “Reasonable adjustments in organisations – guidance for best practice”. The guidance includes real examples from many firms and organisations, and STAMMA Legal provided some stammering-specific examples.